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Reduce Food Loss  with RogerThat

RogerThat Streamlines Best Practices and Safety Communication for the Agriculture Workers.

Request a demo today and take your Safety to another level with the benefits of a more connected and efficient workforce!

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Join over 150K happy users!

Comunicación Consistente 
 en todas las locaciones

Fomenta una comunicación fluida entre diferentes ubicaciones de restaurantes, manteniendo a todos informados.

Reducción de la Rotación y Mejora del Compromiso

Mejora la experiencia de comunicación para tu personal, haciéndoles sentir valorados y comprometidos en sus roles.

Proceso de Inducción Mejorado 

Reduce el tiempo de capacitación, permite que tu personal sea productivo más rápido y mejora la eficiencia operativa en general.


Seamless Post-Harvest and Storage Skills Solution

Ready to revolutionize the reduction of Food Loss in all your Operations?


Revolutionize Training with Roger Training Tool:

Experience a training revolution with RogerThat's Training Tool, often hailed as the "Netflix of Training." Create your Own Content or Access a vast library of industry-specific training modules, enhancing workforce skills, compliance, and overall productivity.


Instant Alerts and Awareness with Eterna:

RogerThat's Eterna Feature delivers real-time Whatsapp messages, ensuring immediate communication during critical situations in the dynamic environments of Agriculture operations.



Let's streamline operations and boost Farmer's Engagement with RogerThat. 

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